Thursday, March 17, 2011
Taste Farmers Markets New Zealand Awards 2011 Newsletter
Pak n Save thinks they are a Farmers' Market ??
The current advertising campaign by Pak N Save, comparing themselves to "a Farmers' Market, except indoors" is grossly misleading and little more than an attempt to leverage off the good name and continuing growth and success of Authentic Farmers' Markets.
A Farmers' Market is a community of independent growers and artisan food producers who meet regularly to sell their food products directly to the public. That food is produced in a defined local region. There are no middle men, no supply contracts, no bulk buying agreements, just independent producers selling their food products at fair prices.
Pak N Save supermarkets do not resemble Farmers' Markets in any way; they do not sell only food, the people who produce the food do not sell it and the food is not grown or made only in a defined local region.
A complaint has been laid with the Commerce Commission under the fair-trading act in regards to misleading the shopping consumers of New Zealand.
The focus of the Pak N Save, is "New Zealand's lowest food prices" whereas the focus of Farmers' Markets is to provide access for the public to high quality, seasonal, locally produced food, thereby supporting the local economy and social fabric of New Zealand.
Farmers' Markets New Zealand urges shoppers not to be fooled by this advertising campaign and see for themselves by visiting a Farmers' Market near them.
For more information www.farmersmarkets.org.nz
Jonathan Walker – info@farmersmarkets.org.nz
Vice-chair of FMNZ 021 729 645 or 07 824 8383
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Taste Farmers Markets New Zealand Awards 2011 Newsletter
Friday, March 11, 2011
Taste Farmers’ Market Awards 2011
Taste Farmers' Market Awards 2011
In a time of debate over high-fructose corn syrup, high salt, high fat, food miles, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides and genetic engineering, it's good to know that some things stay the way they should – fresh, natural and local.
The first-ever Taste Farmers' Market Awards 2011 are out to unearth the finest, freshest, most authentic food that is value for money.
Community members are encouraged to vote for their local farmers' market in the 2011 Awards by visiting www.tastefarmersmarkets.org.nz. A trip for two to Singapore is up for grabs for one lucky voter to explore Singapore's farmers' market and join in traditional cooking classes.
"Everyone loves the taste of fresh produce, particularly when it has been grown close to home. Farmers' markets are all about celebrating seasonal, local produce that enliven our senses, and our cooking," says Chris Fortune, Chairman of the Farmers' Market New Zealand Association.
"With the price of food on the rise, farmers' markets and their affordability are growing in popularity. There has been a real shift in the attitude of consumers - New Zealanders want to know what is in their food, and how it's grown," he says.
The Taste Farmers' Markets Awards 2011 will put the spotlight on the very best markets from around the country and encourage the idea of communities supporting their local producers.
Categories at the Taste Farmers' Markets Awards 2011 include:
- Farmers' Market of the Year Award 2011 (as voted by consumers)
- Regional Farmers' Market Area of New Zealand
- Tastiest Food Producer from the Dairy
- Tastiest Food Producer from the Paddock
- Freshest Producer from the Sea
- Best Food Producer from the Kitchen Bench
- Supreme Farmers' Market Photo or Video
- Farmers' Market Manager of the Year (as voted by stallholders)
- Golden Hoe Award – Best Speaker or Presentation on Farmers' Markets
- Hungriest Media Localvore
There are around 50 farmers' markets from all corners of New Zealand who have registered, so make sure you vote for your favourite farmers' market by visiting www.tastefarmersmarkets.org.nz and go in the draw to win a trip to Singapore.
Prepared on behalf of Taste Farmers' Markets Awards 2011 by the pr shop. For further information please contact Alysha Dingle on 09 368 1074, or email alysha@theprshop.co.nz
Image how good that coffee tastes after 10 days !!
A 'Pop Up' Farmers' Market was held at the middle of one ofChristchurch's worst hit earthquake suburbs on Saturday morning. It was a chance for Mt Pleasant, Redcliffs, Sumner and Lyttelton locals to access fresh food in a safe community space.
Local organiser Tom Davies said he was overwhelmed with the turnout organised on very short notice, in a less than normal environment including households without power or water, closed roads and liquefaction on site.
"This was a market organised for our people by our people, with everyone pitching in to clean up the site or make homemade posters and signs. Information was spread by whatever means we could".
Cam Booker, a vegetable grower, organised the stallholders who came from as far away as the Waipara Valley in North Canterbury. "Everyone wanted to help get fresh fruit, vegetables and bread to people who have had no supermarkets or any other food outlets open locally" he said. As well as selling vegetables, Cam bought down a pallet of free royal gala apples for people to help themselves.
Angela Clifford, grower & Canterbury food supporter was also involved in organising the market. "Some of the stallholders who were there have lost 85% of their business over the last week. They can't stop their produce ripening but they now have no restaurants or other outlets to sell to. The earthquake has also put a temporary halt to the Lyttelton Farmers' Market, another source of income for them."
Coffee was free for locals and was made by a couple of guys whose CBD coffee cart business had been affected by the quake. The coffee beans came from a local Christchurch roastery who have lost just about everyone one of their retail outlets in the city.
The cost of the coffee was covered by the profits from another stallholder selling bread who donated the money to the market.
"The coffee queue was enormous" laughed Angela "but no-one was leaving it". "Imagine how good your first coffee in 10 days tastes!"
Celebrity chef Jonny Schwass & Masterchef winner Brett McGregor cut up the onions for the BBQ. "We're just trying to help build the community up from ground level and one of the best ways to do that is the good old-fashioned kiwi sausage sizzle".
"We were offered so much support," said Tom, "the Darfield community trucked in free drinking water that didn't need to be boiled, and everyone brought down their containers to be filled".
One of the most poignant moments was the singing from the Linwood school students. They were sharply dressed as they were going straight from the market to the funeral of their classmate who had been killed in the earthquake.
"It's such an extraordinary time. The resilience of the human spirit is amazing - watching people hug and greet each other. It's amazing what can grow from the dust and rubble."
The 'Pop Up' Farmers' Market will happen again this coming Saturday 12 March from 10am to 1pm at the Mt Pleasant Community Centre, McCormacks Bay Rd Mt Pleasant Christchurch.
For further information, please contact::
Media enquiries: Angela Clifford 0274 242 871
Market enquiries : Tom Davies 0276 007 779
For Images of 'Pop Up' Farmer's Market please contact Farmers' Market NZ - info@farmersmarkets.org.nz or 021 935995
Chris Fortune
Chairperson Farmers Markets NZ